Vacation in Poland? YES!

Wakacje w Polsce? Jestem na TAK!
Rodzice, dziadkowie, kochana rodzinko – teraz jest najlepszy moment, żeby zaplanować wakacje pełne słońca, radości i języka polskiego! Zbieramy grupę osób zainteresowanych wakacjami w Polsce połączonych z nauką języka polskiego dla dzieci. Aby wynegocjować atrakcyjny rabat lub zorganizować dofinansowanie musimy mieć wstępną listę zainteresowanych osób.

Im nas więcej, tym taniej! Jeśli zbierzemy większą grupę, możemy wynegocjować lepsze ceny niż przy indywidualnej rezerwacji! To się po prostu opłaca!

🏖 Jaką formą wyjazdu jesteście zainteresowani? Napiszcie do nas na adres


👉 Wyjazd rodzinny z małymi dziećmi – Bory Tucholskie:
Dostępne terminy: 6-12.07.25r. lub 13-19.07.25r.
Dzieci (poniżej 10 lat) spędzają aktywnie cały dzień z animatorami i uczą się języka polskiego a w tym czasie rodzice lub dziadkowie mogą się zrelaksować i odpocząć lub dołączyć do wspólnej zabawy. Przykładowe aktywności: mali kucharze, leśna przygoda, w krainie bajek, wycieczki rowerowe, spływy kajakowe, pikniki, warsztaty zielarskie, relaks dla opiekunów (strefa SPA, ogniska, warsztaty jogi, spacery) i wiele, wiele więcej.
Do dyspozycji rodzin będą: ogromny ogród ze szklarnią i hamakami, plac zabaw dla dzieci, basen zewnętrzny, wiata biesiadna, miejsce na ognisko, boisko do koszykówki, sala bilardowa, stół do ping-ponga, kącik zabaw dla dzieci oraz domowa kuchnia z regionalnymi produktami, własnymi warzywami i miodem od własnych pszczółek.

👉 Wyjazdy starszych dzieci – nauka języka polskiego:
– kolonie językowe dla dzieci (10-14 lat) – Międzywodzie, dostępne terminy: 6.07-19.07.25r. lub 20.07-2.08.25r.
– obozy językowe dla młodzieży (15-19 lat) – Międzywodzie, dostępne terminy: 6.07-19.07.25r. lub 20.07-2.08.25r.
Zajęcia językowe: codzienne rano lekcje językowe plus warsztaty językowe, w tym: filmy, konwersacje, symulacje językowe; ciekawe materiały dydaktyczne i audiowizualne pomoce naukowe; LEKTOR Vocabulary Training – unikalny system do nauki słownictwa; doświadczeni nauczyciele i native speakerzy, wszystkie poziomy powyżej początkującego, certyfikat ukończenia kursu.
W programie także: całodniowa wycieczka do Międzyzdrojów i Wolińskiego Parku Narodowego, pływanie w morzu, siatkówka, koszykówka, tenis stołowy, quizy i gry językowe, konkursy, dyskoteki, sztuki plastyczne, muzyka i teatr, bieg na orientację z językiem polskim, ognisko z pieczeniem kiełbasek, pamiątkowy foto-dziennik z obozu dla każdego uczestnika (do pobrania). Dodatkowe atrakcje do wyboru poza programem: lekcje windsurfingu, wyprawa kajakowa, rowerki wodne, holowanie na dmuchanym „bananie” po jeziorze, surfing na SUP-ie.

🏖 Im więcej chętnych, tym taniej! Zainteresowane osoby prosimy o wstępne i niezobowiązujące zgłoszenia na adres:
Dobra okazja na polskie wakacje nie będzie czekać – planuj już dziś!

Cultivating Growth and Empowerment at Barka Canada Community Farm

This season, we partnered with Anika Youth Services and their Achieving Your Potential (AYP) program to create an inspiring hands-on experience for youth. Participants from AYP joined us at our community farm, planting and caring for their own dedicated plot while also assisting with larger farm operations.

With the support of their amazing staff and the patience and encouragement of our dedicated Barka Canada volunteers, these youth gained paid work experience, developed leadership skills, and learned the value of teamwork. Some even stepped into team lead roles, guiding their peers and managing tasks — a big step in their journey toward personal growth.

We are so proud to have been a part of this impactful collaboration. Together, we helped foster resilience, community, and a deeper connection to nature. Thank you to Anika Youth Services for joining us in making a difference!


Reflecting on Barka Canada’s Milestones 2023-2024

As we look back on the past two years, Barka Canada is proud to highlight the various initiatives and programs that have enriched our community and supported our mission of social integration and support for Eastern and Central European immigrants in Canada. From new partnerships to celebrating our 10th anniversary, 2023 and 2024 have been busy and fruitful years.

10th Anniversary Celebration

Barka Canada recently celebrated its 10th anniversary. We extend our heartfelt gratitude to everyone who attended the event at Saint Casimir’s Polish Parish, with special thanks to Father Tomasz for his warm welcome. It was a pleasure to see our colleagues from Barka UK, Ewa Sadowska and Andrew Keogh, whose support and inspiration are greatly appreciated. We would like to acknowledge the exceptional work of Piotr Szymlowski, who has dedicated many years to organizing the AA/NA group and leading the Community Farm project. Additionally, we are honored to have our social work in the community recognized by the Canadian Polish Congress BC Branch.

Community Farm Collaboration with Anika Youth Services

For the third year, our Community Farm project, in collaboration with Anika Youth Services through the Paid Agricultural Work Experience program is taking root! This initiative has provided a unique opportunity for young people to gain hands-on experience in agriculture, fostering a sense of responsibility, teamwork, and connection to nature. The farm has not only served as a practical training ground but also as a community hub where participants can learn sustainable farming practices and the importance of food sovereignty.

The Agricultural Work Experience program has seen enthusiastic participation, with youth from diverse backgrounds coming together to cultivate a variety of crops including our famous garlic. This partnership has not only enhanced the skills of the participants but also contributed to local food security by supplying fresh produce to community members in need. The success of this program underscores our commitment to creating inclusive and supportive environments where individuals can grow both personally and professionally.

Kopernik Lodge 50th Anniversary Gala

Barka Canada was grateful to participate in the celebration of the Kopernik Lodge’s 50th anniversary. The gala united individuals who have dedicated decades to caring for hundreds of residents. In honor of this milestone, Barka Canada donated a specially commissioned piece of original art by Wieslawa Dzitkowski, a basket of fresh vegetables from our community farm project, and a $1,000 cheque from the farm’s sales. We are confident that the Kopernik Foundation will continue to thrive, thanks to its upcoming expansion project and the unwavering commitment of its staff and volunteers.

Zoom Workshops on Consciousness Raising

In its ongoing effort to promote mental health and personal development, Barka Canada hosted a series of workshops on Zoom centered around the work of Dr. David Hawkins and the power of consciousness raising. These workshops explored the profound impact that higher states of consciousness can have on improving lifestyle and well-being. Participants were introduced to Dr. Hawkins’ concepts, including the Map of Consciousness, which provides a framework for understanding and enhancing one’s emotional and psychological health.

The interactive sessions encouraged community members to engage in discussions, share personal experiences, and practice techniques aimed at elevating their consciousness. Feedback from attendees has been overwhelmingly positive, highlighting the transformative effect these workshops have had on their lives. By integrating these teachings, individuals reported greater clarity, reduced stress, and an overall improvement in their quality of life.

Community Picnic Featuring Hey Ziuta

We were delighted to hold a community picnic on Sunday, May 19th, offering a delightful opportunity for members to come together, enjoy delicious food, and partake in fun activities. Adding to the festive atmosphere, was a feature performance by the band Hey Ziuta

Hey Ziuta’s lively music provided the perfect backdrop for a day of celebration and camaraderie. The picnic was not just a social gathering, but a testament to the vibrant community spirit that defines Barka Canada. We were glad to see our friends there, enjoying the music, sharing stories, and strengthening the bonds that make our community so special.

Looking Forward

The accomplishments of 2023 and 2024 reflect our dedication to fostering an inclusive community where every member has the opportunity to thrive. From the growth of our Community Farm to the enlightening workshops on consciousness raising, Barka Canada continues to innovate and expand its impact. We are grateful to all our volunteers, partners, and community members who have supported and participated in our initiatives.

As we move forward, we remain committed to our mission of social integration and empowerment. We invite everyone to join us in our upcoming events and programs, as we continue to build a stronger, more connected community together.

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

2023 was rich in its bounty and beautiful memories. Barka Canada celebrated its 10 year anniversary in 2023. Our friends from Barka UK — Ewa Sadowska and Andrew Keogh — were able to visit for this celebration. We would like to sincerely thank everyone who was able to come to our event or contributed over the years to our projects. We had a wonderful opportunity to reminisce about the many people who we were able to help, many of whom then helped others regain their dignity and health.

Our Community Farm produced a bounty of organic vegetables, garlic and herbs. A portion of these proceeds ($1000) was donated to the Kopernik Lodge Foundation which celebrated their 50th anniversary with a beautiful Gala dinner. We are excited about the new facilities being built for the lodge and how it continues the rich legacy of its Polish founders.

A new group, our women’s support group, has also begun meetings, with many exciting ideas planned for next year.

As we await Christmas, let us be thankful for all our blessings and filled with hope for a prosperous and joyful 2024!

Come Jesus; come, give strength to the light and to the good; come where dishonesty, ignorance of God, violence and injustice dominate; come, Lord Jesus, give strength to the good in the world and help us to be bearers of your light, workers of peace, witnesses of truth. Come Lord Jesus! (Benedict XVI)

Are you looking for volunteer opportunities or experience in farming?

The first year of our Community Farm was a huge success! Now the next busy season is approaching quickly and we are looking for volunteers seeking to help with our farm project. Please contact for further details.