Dear Friends, In the magic time of Christmas let us not forget about those of us who experience suffering and struggle, those who are lonely, those searching for a helping hand, acceptance and love. Continue reading
Category Archives: News
World CSR Congress presents BARKA with social innovation award
Tomasz Sadowski, chairman of Barka Foundation for Mutual Help in Poland has been invited to speak at the World CSR Congress in Mumbai in February 2015. Tomasz will be also presented with a recognition in the field of social innovations. Continue reading
Barka UK Hosted at the House of Lords
W dniu 2 grudnia 2014 w Izbie Lordów odbyła się uroczyste spotkanie “Więcej niż dach” podczas którego zaprezentowane zostały wyniki pracy Barki UK z ostatnich lat, a szczególnie projektu realizowanego w bieżącym roku w partnerstwie z sześcioma dzielnicami w północnym Londynie. Continue reading
Barka delegates attend Surrey LIP (Local Immigration Partnership) Immigrant Advisory Roundtable Info Session
Several members of Barka Canada board attended the Surrey LIP info session calling on members of immigrant communities and service groups to get involved in creating a strategic plan to assist newcomers to Canada in adjusting and adapting to their new Canadian life. Continue reading
Surrey to get funding for homelessness prevention program
Surrey will be one of the communities to get money in the form of rent assistance for people in danger of becoming homeless. Both the federal and provincial governments are to contribute funding.