10th Anniversary Celebrations

In March Barka Canada celebrated its 10-year anniversary!


Thank you to everyone who was able to attend our event at Saint Casimir’s Polish Parish (special thank you to Father Tomasz for the warm welcome). During the evening we showcased our past and current outreach work, and shared our plans for the next years ahead. We encourage everyone to view a documentary recently released about Barka Poland – Source of Life.

It was wonderful to see our colleagues at Barka UK Ewa Sadowska and Andrew Keogh, thank you for your support and inspiring us all.

We would like to recognize the incredible work of Piotr Szymlowski who has for many years organized the AA/NA group as well as leads the Community Farm project.

Finally, we would like to sincerely invite anyone who would like to join our organization, or if you would like to visit and help at our Community farm to reach out directly.

Barka Canada Team

Are you looking for volunteer opportunities or experience in farming?

The first year of our Community Farm was a huge success! Now the next busy season is approaching quickly and we are looking for volunteers seeking to help with our farm project. Please contact info@barka.ca for further details.

Our Community Farm 2022 — Memories in Pictures

We worked hard and we had fun – have a look:


Our delicious and beautiful crops:


Art by Eric Sosnowski:

Please see also earlier posts about our Community Farm and the videos therein:

We are grateful to our members and volunteers for their work, resources, and wonderful companionship, and to RussLynn Blueberries for allowing us to use their land in Abbotsford and making it all possible.

Christmas Wishes 2022

Barka Canada would like to wish everyone a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. This year has been a busy one for us and our friends at Barka Poland, who opened their hearts and homes to many refugees from Ukraine. We helped organize a benefit concert put on by the BC Canadian Polish Congress which raised $4,100 which was used to directly support those who fled the war into Poland.

Our Barka Canada team spent almost 1000 hours this summer cultivating crops at the community farm, which were sold to fund our outreach program. We are confident that our investment in organic heirloom garlic will yield dividends next harvest. We are thankful to share our harvest with those who need it this Christmas, and that we can enjoy it together in peace, knowing so many around the world are not so fortunate.

We join Pope Francis in prayer:

Give us the strength daily to be instruments of peace; enable us to see everyone who crosses our path as our brother or sister. Make us sensitive to the plea of our citizens who entreat us to turn our weapons of war into implements of peace, our trepidation into confident trust, and our quarreling into forgiveness.

Keep alive within us the flame of hope, so that with patience and perseverance we may opt for dialogue and reconciliation. In this way may peace triumph at last, and may the words “division”, “hatred” and “war” be banished from the heart of every man and woman. Lord, defuse the violence of our tongues and our hands. Amen

Barka Book Club


Barka Canada is pleased to continue its Weekly Book Club at 7pm on January 16th 2023. Our group has read a number of books last year (Being Mortal, The Power of Now, and The Power of Your Subconscious Mind) with rich discussions developing on various topics.

The next book we discuss will be The Seat of the Soul by Gary Zukav. The book will be sent through e -mail for those who are interested.

Our goal is to read books that give practical advice on how to live a better life, and to explore sometimes difficult topics in a safe and supportive group setting. The sessions are in Polish.

We will be meeting on Monday evenings through ZOOM, there is no charge for the group members. More technical details and assistance will be available.

We ask everyone that would like to participate this year to choose ONE book for the upcoming year and provide a brief explanation why they think it is worth reading.

Inquiries should be emailed to info@barka.ca


Z przyjemnością ogłaszamy kontynuacje Barkowego Klubu Książki o 19:00 dnia 16 stycznia 2023 r. Nasza grupa przeczytała w zeszłym roku wiele książek (Śmiertelni, Potęga Teraźniejszość, i Potęga Podświadomości) z żywymi dyskusjami rozwijające różne tematy i zagadnienia.

Kolejną książkę którą omawiamy będzie The Seat of the Soul by Gary Zukav (Siedlisko Duszy). Książka będzie rozesłana elektronicznie dla zainteresowanych.

Naszym celem jest czytanie książek, które dają praktyczne porady, jak żyć lepiej i poruszać czasem trudne tematy w bezpiecznej i wspierającej grupie. Spotkania są w języku polskim.

Będziemy spotykać się co tydzień w poniedziałkowe wieczory przez ZOOM. Nie ma opłat dla członków grupy. Więcej szczegółów technicznych i pomocy będzie dostępnych niedługo.

Prosimy wszystkich, którzy chcieliby wziąć udział w tym roku, o wybranie JEDNEJ książki na nadchodzący rok i krótkie wyjaśnienie, dlaczego uważają, że warto ją przeczytać.

Zgłoszenia prosimy przesłać na info@barka.ca