Dear Friends, Barka UK are honoured to be part of an extraordinary initiative : the auction of Jack White’s piano. This is a piano which served the White Stripes to record their ground-breaking album “Elephant”. Continue reading
Barka Foundation receives European Citizen’s Prize – Festive Gala in Poznan and Brussels
On the 8th of February at the Poznan’s theatre ‘Teatr Nowy’ a festive gala was organised to celebrate the presentation of Barka Foundation with the European Citizen’s Prize. The organizer of the gala was Ms. Agnieszka Kozlowska-Rajewicz, MEP who nominated Barka Foundation for the award. Continue reading
Surrey Local Immigration Partnership (LIP) Focus Group Invitations
LIP Immigrant Integration Research Project is looking for volunteers to participate in various Focus Groups on immigration experiences. Please see the document below:
LIP Immigrant Integration Research Project szuka woluntariuszy zeby brac udzial w grupach dyskusyjnych odnosnie doswiadczen imigracyjnych. Prosze zobaczyc dokument ponizej:
Evaluation of the impact of the free movement of EU citizens at local level
The study has been commissioned by the European Commission, DG JUSTICE and published in January 2014. Continue reading
Barka meets with Consul General of Poland in Vancouver
On January 15, 2015 representatives from Barka Canada met with the new Consul General of Poland, Krzysztof Olendzki. We presented information on our work in the community and our plans for the future. Continue reading