Join Us at Workshops on Communication and Mental Health

Barka Canada has initiated a partnership with two practicum students from Rhodes Wellness College in Vancouver, BC, to present a series of four workshops related to communication and mental health. The first workshop, on Non-Violent Communication, took place on April 26, 2019 (see the workshop’s poster). The remaining three workshops will be held between July and October 2019:

All workshops are open to everybody and FREE to attend. You are welcome to join us!

The workshop that took place in April, on Non-Violent Communication, was very interesting. An effective communication strategy was described, explained, and demonstrated. This communication strategy is based on the person first recognizing his or her own needs, as well as those of the other person in the interaction. These needs are then both acknowledged and communicated with empathy and respect. The purpose is to minimize conflict and increase mutual understanding.

The workshop was also very well prepared. It included PowerPoint slides and demonstrations of non-violent communication skills. Participants were encouraged to take part in discussions throughout the whole 2 hour session.
